TALKING HEADS: Do You Consider The Lightning Network A Proof-Of-Stake System?
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TALKING HEADS: Do You Consider The Lightning Network A Proof-Of-Stake System?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Its time to acquisition out what the protagonists accept to say In TALKING HEADS Bitcoinist will ask the experts about the cryptoverses overarching capacity and latest account This time we accept an allstar casting thats as assorted as the times were active in Prepare to accept your apperception electrified by these talking active account and reasoning

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Today’s affair is the Lightning Network. The abstraction that it ability be a Proof-Of-Stake arrangement comes from one of the aboriginal Bitcoin luminaries, Andreas Antonopoulos. “This allocution took abode on March 29th 2024 at the Blockchain Meetup in Berlin, Germany,” and Andreas blew everyone’s apperception back he said that Bitcoin would accept a PoW and PoS amalgam system, because The Lightning Network is…


There’s article to the Proof-Of-Stake idea. To accommodate clamminess to The Lightning Network, nodes accept to pale Bitcoin. And the admeasurement of that Total Value Bound in a bulge affects what it can do and who can it transact with. And it generates fees. Your bound pale generates money, aloof like in a PoS system. 

However, Antonopoulos might’ve been amiss on this one. First of all, no accord is all-important in the Lightning Network. Secondly, the Lightning Network doesn’t affair coins. Finally, a average bulge can attempt with a ample node, abnormally if it’s able-bodied managed. 

But, that’s addition enough. Let’s cut to the hunt and apprehend what our superstar guests accept to say about the subject. 

BTCUSD amount blueprint for 11/23/2021 - TradingView

Norelle Ng, Founder of Clover Finance.

– Norelle Ng

Tim Behrsin – Founder and CEO at Grexie

-Tim Behrsin

Fernando Motolese, Founder Bitcoin Beach Brazil

– Fernando Motolese

Luis Molina, Co-Founder of Superalgos

– Luis Molina

And those are all the candid opinions that we accept for you today. Bitcoinist badly appreciates our guests’ time and knowledge. The TALKING HEADS area wouldn’t be accessible after them. 

Related Reading | BTC The Lightning Network’s Energy Consumption Vs. The World, A Comparison

Before we go, let’s alpha a new tradition. We’re closing this area with a Talking Heads tune. 

Talking Heads, “And She Was”

This one’s from “Little Creatures,” the band’s 2024 album.